娘の心をがっちり掴みつつも、しっかりリーディングや文章の意味も確認してくださいました。 娘もまた先生から習いたいとのこと。 是非また次回もお願いします。

The teacher captured my daughter’s attention and enabled her to read and understand the meaning of the sentences. My daughter definitely wants to learn from the teacher again.

いつも楽しくレッスンしていただいています。 6年生男子ですが、発音の仕方、学校の課題等、いろいろ考えて教えてもらえて、あっという間にレッスン時間が終わります。とても優しい楽しい先生です。

I always enjoy the teacher’s lessons. I’m a 6th grade boy, and he has taught me a lot about pronunciation, school assignments, etc., and the lesson is always over in no time. He is a very kind and fun teacher.


He is a fun teacher and the lessons were very interesting and easy to understand. My child was able to enjoy his course. I would definitely like him to teach more lessons again.

事前の自己紹介動画を観て息子が通うインターナショナルスクールの先生の雰囲気にすごく似てることと、プロフェッショナルさからKiat先生一択でした。 息子も1回受けて先生のことが大好きになったので、継続してお願いします。

After watching his self-introduction video, I chose Teacher Kiat because he reminded me of the teacher at the international school my son attends. He is a professional. My son took his class once and fell in love with his style of teaching, so I would like to continue with him.


I was nervous because it was my first lesson, but once it started, I really enjoyed participating. Next time, I would like to choose Teacher Kiat again.

小学校2年生の息子は、初回から先生のことが大好きになりました。レッスンはとても楽しいようです。 継続してレッスンを受けています。

My son, who is in the second grade of elementary school, fell in love with his teacher from the first time. The lessons look like a lot of fun. I will keep booking his lessons.


I was looking for a teacher who would suit my 9-year-old daughter, who says she likes fun lessons, and she enjoys her lessons with Teacher Kiat. Even if my daughter is not confident and whispers or can’t answer easily, Teacher Kiat responds kindly and makes her feel at ease.


This was my son’s first lesson with Mr Kiat and he kindly listened to my son’s reading and made him feel relaxed. He was prepared and eager to teach my son as we had told him of our preferences before the lesson.


My son was nervous, but at the end of the lesson, he told me, “It was fun!” Even though, before the lesson, he said the lesson would take a long time, it seems that the time flew by as he was absorbed in the fun lesson.
